Highly Textured Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Nature constantly moves; water flows, air flows, even rock flows when in the form of lava. Energy, time and ideas flow. The dictionary says flow is a verb meaning to move or proceed steadily and continuously or run freely in the manner characteristic of a liquid. Artists, writers, musicians, athletes, and thinkers often refer to being in the flow. What does that mean?
I can’t speak for others, but as a painter, being in the flow puts me in that head space where time seems suspended, even though I know it continues to pass. When completely immersed in the flow, I’m able to release feelings of resistance. I celebrate the elimination of negative forces that hold back body, mind and emotion so that self-imposed limits may be overcome. Blocks that stop progress melt away, allowing a successful composition to be achieved.
The technique in this series is simple. Varied dimensional textures are applied to the canvas, then extremely fluid paint is allowed to “swim” over and around the texture. However, control of the materials is not easily achieved, so the process becomes a partnership; a balance between what I intend and what the paint decides it will do.
Nature constantly moves; water flows, air flows, even rock flows when in the form of lava. Energy, time and ideas flow. The dictionary says flow is a verb meaning to move or proceed steadily and continuously or run freely in the manner characteristic of a liquid. Artists, writers, musicians, athletes, and thinkers often refer to being in the flow. What does that mean?
I can’t speak for others, but as a painter, being in the flow puts me in that head space where time seems suspended, even though I know it continues to pass. When completely immersed in the flow, I’m able to release feelings of resistance. I celebrate the elimination of negative forces that hold back body, mind and emotion so that self-imposed limits may be overcome. Blocks that stop progress melt away, allowing a successful composition to be achieved.
The technique in this series is simple. Varied dimensional textures are applied to the canvas, then extremely fluid paint is allowed to “swim” over and around the texture. However, control of the materials is not easily achieved, so the process becomes a partnership; a balance between what I intend and what the paint decides it will do.